• Instructions for running a Subspace node for newbies

Instructions for running a Subspace node for newbies

Subspace is one of the projects that receives little attention in an era where the race for costs and transaction speeds is high Layer 1 is more stressful than ever. Although it has not received much attention, this data storage project has raised more than 37 million USD led by Pantera CapitalThis promises a potential Incentivized Testnet program for users. So what does it take to participate in this program? Let's find out with Cryptobnb through the article below.

Instructions for running a Subspace node for newbies

What is subspace?

Subspace is a data storage protocol created to provide data storage capabilities for projects PolkadotSubspace's positioning is a data storage layer for the entire Web3 ecosystem as well as the projects it belongs to Kusama and Polkadot. Run the Subspace node

Before running node, users need to check the project requirements for the configuration of the VPS. Particularly for Subspace, users are required to equip a VPS with the configuration below:

  • CPU: 4 Core+
  • RAM: 8GB+
  • SWAP: 4GB
  • Storage: 100GB SSD

Step 1:

Access the link:https://polkadot.js.org/apps and follow the instructions as shown below to create a reward wallet. 

After logging into the app, click Add account .

After that, the system will display the wallet with Mnemonic, save this Mnemonic and select Next to go to the next step.

Give your wallet a name and password and click Save.

Next, save the wallet and click on the wallet icon again, the wallet will appear with the wallet address. Copy this wallet address and proceed to step 2.

Step 2:

Run the command below and the system will ask to enter a wallet address to receive the reward, please enter the wallet address in step 1 and wait until the installation process is completed.

wget -O subspace.sh https://api.nodes.guru/subspace.sh && chmod +x subspace.sh && ./subspace.sh

Step 3:

Answer the following questions before proceeding to install node.

  • Enter your node name to be identified on the network (Node name should not contain invalid chars such as '.' and '@'): Name your node
  • Specify a path for storing farm files (press enter to use the default: /root/.local/share/subspace-farmer): Press Enter
  • Specify a path for storing node files (press enter to use the default: /root/.local/share/subspace-node):  Press Enter
  • Specify a farm size (defaults to '2.0 GB', press enter to use the default):  Press Enter

After answering all the questions, wait a moment for the system to install the necessary components for running node. When the VPS appears as below, it means the node and farmer Subspace have been installed.

Step 4:

Update to the latest version with the command below:

wget -O subspace_update.sh https://api.nodes.guru/subspace_update.sh && sudo chmod +x subspace_update.sh && ./subspace_update.sh

Step 5:

Enter the command below to check node log.

journalctl -u subspaced -f -o cat

Step 6:

Enter the command below to check farmer log.

journalctl -u subspaced-farmer -f -o cat

Note: After installation, users should wait about 24 hours for the node and farmer to fully synchronize with the system.


Above is general information about Subspace as well as detailed instructions on how to join the Incentivized Testnet program and become a validator of the project. Through this article, we hope Cryptobnb has given users the most general overview of Subspace as well as how to contribute early to this project.

Note: The information in the article is not considered investment advice, Coin68 is not responsible for any of your investment decisions. Wishing you success and earning a lot of profit from this potential market.