• 100+ Important Blockchain and Crypto Terms to Know!

100+ Important Blockchain and Crypto Terms to Know!

The Crypto market is currently attracting a lot of interest. Are you a completely new person? See now 100+ Blockchain terms here!

Information in crypto is very diverse and has many new terms, to make it easier for you to understand the terms as well as research project information, Coin98 Insights has compiled a list of important Blockchain terms. important and often used in the crypto market for your reference.

If you want to find a term, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F and enter keywords to search faster and more accurately. If you see any words that are not on the list, please comment so that Coin98 Insights can update more fully!


Altcoin is the collective name for cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin . Most of the previous Altcoins were improved versions of Bitcoin. Currently, Altcoins are Utility Tokens (multi-use tokens) representing a project and have value for use in the project's ecosystem. 

 For example, LINK token is used to pay Node Operator, BNB is used to pay transaction fees on Binance exchange.

Referring to Altcoins, we will often hear "Altcoin Season". Altcoin season is a time when Altcoins simultaneously increase very strongly with profits x2, x3 even x10 times in a few weeks. So how to recognize the altcoin season so as not to miss the opportunity? 

AMA - Ask me anything

AMA stands for Ask Me Anything - Ask Me Anything, is an online event to answer questions from the community. AMA can be Livestream, or live answering on Facebook, Telegram... answering questions. 

AMA is also a popular column of Coin98 Wallet. Every week, Coin98 Wallet will have an AMA with a project to answer all the questions of the community, in addition to an Airdrop reward for good questions chosen by the project itself.


Airdrop  is a form of giving away free tokens to users. Some common Airdrops are: retroactive , hold & stake master tokens, perform tasks required by the project, etc.

Airdrop is often used in advertising strategies, introducing ICO projects to attract users to participate in the coin project community. But how to choose the project to do the airdrop and how to do the airdrop to increase the chance of receiving the reward? The following article will help you.


An ASIC  (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) is a specialized integrated circuit manufactured specifically for a specific purpose. For example, Bitcoin ASIC miner, this is the miner that works with the most optimal mining performance because all of their resources will be concentrated to fulfill one need, which is Bitcoin mining.

ATH - All time high

ATH (All Time High) is the highest point (be it price or capitalization) that a coin, a stock, etc. has reached in its price history.

For example, Bitcoin's ATH is $64,000.


Aggregator is a platform that aggregates many different features. For example, you can swap, lend, etc.

Algorithmic Stablecoin - Algorithmic Stablecoin

Algorithmic Stablecoin (Algorithmic Stablecoin) is a new model of Stablecoin, with the mechanism of keeping the price at $1 based on the algorithm, not the underlying asset. 

An example of an Algorithmic Stablecoin is UST with LUNA increasing and decreasing the supply and demand to keep the UST price.


BAGHOLDERs are people who hold coins in bulk to wait for the price to rise and sell in the future.

Catch the bottom

Bottom fishing is the act of buying at low prices by investors. With the mindset that that point is the lowest possible price and hope the price will rise again to make a big profit.


Blockchain  is a decentralized database that stores information in blocks that are linked together by encryption and expand over time. 

Simply put, Blockchain is an electronic ledger distributed on many different computers, storing all transaction information, and ensuring that information cannot be changed in any way. All information stored on that ledger will be verified by a series of computers connected in a common network. No machine will be able to change, overwrite or delete the data in that ledger.

So what is the structure and working mechanism of Blockchain? How is the security of Blockchain guaranteed? Find out here: Blockchain properties and how it works

Bull Market (Bullish) - Bull Market

Bull market (or Bullish) is a term for a market that is in an uptrend, with a rapid increase in the price of coins/tokens more than the historical average. In particular, they increase for a long time in large volumes.

In Bull Market, the demand to buy will be greater than the demand to sell.

Bear market (Bearish) - Bear market

In contrast to Bull market, Bear market (or Bearish) is a term indicating that the market is in a downtrend, at this time the price of coins/tokens will drop suddenly, continuously and for a long time.

In Bear Market, the demand to sell will be greater than the demand to buy.

Binary Option - Binary Options

Binary Option is the term for the game "binary options", in which the user predicts the candle price in a short period of time, wins money, loses money.

Breakout - Breakout price

Breakout is a term in Technical Analysis that describes the phenomenon of price breaking through a support or resistance level. 

The technical tools used to identify price breakouts can be moving averages, trend lines, price patterns (like head and shoulders patterns, candlestick patterns etc.) other specifications.

Bridge - Blockchain Bridge

Literally, Bridge is a bridge between blockchains. The reason for this is that the assets on the blockchains will be in different standards, so they cannot be traded back and forth, which requires a bridge.

Thus, Cross-chain bridge is a  cross- chain bridge that  allows the transfer of crypto assets, tokens or data from one Blockchain to another, which includes layers 1, layer 2, sidechain, childchain. 

Cross-chain bridge is now gradually becoming popular with many different types, many projects with diverse investment opportunities. You can learn more about the potential and inevitable trend of Cross-chain bridge in the article below.

The Benefits of Bridge in Blockchain.

Circulating Supply - Circulating Supply

Circulating Supply is the total amount of Coins in circulation in the market.

CEX - Centralized Exchange

CEX  stands for Centralized Exchange - a centralized exchange, managed by a 3rd party (the company or organization of the exchange), all electronic assets you deposit into your account on the exchange are managed and controlled. controlled by that company or organization. For example, Binance, Okex, Huobi,...

The advantage of CEX exchange is fast transaction processing speed and high liquidity, however, your assets will be 100% controlled by that exchange. Therefore, the first priority when choosing a CEX broker is the reputation of the floor.

Child node

Child node is a type of node in Blockchain, extended from another node called Parent node.

Collateral asset - Collateral

Collateral asset means collateral. Collateral is the property of users deposited in the above projects to borrow a sum of money. If you want to get collateral, you need to pay back the loan with a part of the fee (depending on the project). Collateral assets are often seen with Lending projects like MakerDAO, Venus, Unit Protocol, etc. 

Cross-chain - Cross-chain

Cross-chain is a solution to help transfer assets from one chain to another, to optimize the ability to combine between chains and is often used for projects present on multiple blockchains. 

For example, users can use Sushiswap's services on Polygon, Ethereum, etc.


This word is often found in the token release schedule section of projects. Cliff is understood as a token-locked period, people in this category will not receive any tokens. Usually applies to tokens held by the team, advisors or investors

For example: Team Allocation: Cliff 12 months, vesting 12 months, meaning the first 12 months there is no token for the team, from month 13 to 24 will gradually pay 1/24 tokens.


The combination of Decentralized Finance and Centralized Finance with applications acting as a bridge between CeFi and DeFi. With CeDeFi, individuals and organizations can access the Crypto and DeFi markets more easily while ensuring compliance with legal regulations.

Dapp - Decentralized Application

Dapp (Decentralized Applications) is a decentralized application, these applications are built on existing platforms & protocols. The Dapps will focus on solving the problem in a certain area and the tokens will be used inside the Dapp.

Since Dapps are built directly on platforms, the nature of these decentralized applications will depend on those platforms. For example transaction speed, tps, scalability, stability.

Derivatives - Derivatives

Derivatives  (or derivatives) are the names of financial instruments. It allows investors to trade multiple products based on price without owning the product. Using derivatives allows investors to buy in a much larger amount (leverage) of the assets they own.

For example:  Oil derivatives trading, Bitcoin, weather,...

Some assets are tradable derivatives.

DeFi - Decentralized Finance

DeFi  (Decentralized Finance) means decentralized finance. These are simply financial applications developed on the blockchain platform. You are free to use any application, anywhere without depending on a trusted 3rd party like a bank because you are the one who holds your assets.

The biggest drawback of traditional finance is the centralization or concentration of power. And DeFi was born to solve this problem. So how does it solve the problem of traditional finance? The following article will help you better understand the nature and potential of DeFi.

Peak swing 

The peak swing is what Vietnamese Traders often call when you accidentally buy a coin or token at the highest price, but then the price drops and you can't sell it, leading to a long-term loss.

DYOR - Do your own research

DYOR stands for Do Your Own Research - which means advising readers to do their own research and learn about a certain issue. This term is often placed at the beginning or end of articles as a disclaimer by the author for any actions that users will take based on the information in the article.

DYOR is placed in a regular article for the purpose of advising readers to learn more about the problem, not to listen to one way from the writer. This is especially true in Crypto, where a lot of people write well about the project they bought the token for before, to entice people to buy.

These projects are both good and bad. Good and bad here is that the project team really wants to build the product and go with Crypto for the long term, or just want to get short-term profits. So how to DYOR to get good investment results?

DEX - Decentralized Exchange

DEX  (Decentralized Exchange) is a decentralized exchange, that is, when trading cryptocurrencies on DEXs, there will be no person or organization behind the operation, but only the buyer and seller are linked together. without going through any intermediaries, such as Uniswap , Sushiswap , PancakeSwap , etc. Opposite of DEX is CEX.

DAO - Decentralized Autonomous Organization

DAO  stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organization - an organization operated by members based on a set of rules coded in code (this set of rules can be consensus or smart contract).

All members have the right to vote on important decisions of the DAOs. In return, members participating in DAOs must have rewards for participating in operating DAOs.

You simply understand that these are many groups of people working together according to a set of rules to reach a common goal and there will be rewards for each person involved in that process.

On-chain data

On-chain data is the data of an asset on the blockchain, this metric can be the number of wallets holding tokens, the number of transactions in a certain period of time, the status of deposits and withdrawals on the exchange, etc. On-chain is used to predict the current situation of the asset and from there make future hypotheses, whether the price will increase or decrease, how supply and demand will be, etc.

Ecosystem - Blockchain's Ecosystem

Ecosystem is the ecosystem of blockchain. The ecosystem in Crypto is a system of many products that connect and support each other inside a Blockchain, each Blockchain is like an infrastructure company, they will also want to develop a system. full ecology of self.

There is not exactly an exact definition of how many projects an ecosystem will have, but it is not too difficult to realize an ecosystem. 

Some popular ecosystems today are Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Terra, Near, etc.

Ethereum 2.0 

Ethereum 2.0 is an upgrade of Ethereum with the move from POW (Proof-of-Work) to POS (Proof-of-Stake), to improve transaction speed and scalability on Ethereum.


Etherscan is a tool to track, search, and look up transactions that have taken place on the Ethereum Blockchain network. Users can find information about all tokens, ERC-20 wallet addresses, transactions made, etc. on Ethereum through Etherscan.


ERC-20 (Ethereum Requetst For Coment) is one of the technologies in the Ethereum Network system. This is the most common standard used for Smartcontracts on the Ethereum Blockchain when issuing Tokens.

In addition to ERC-20, there are other token standards on the Ethereum network such as ERC-721, ERC223...


EMA (Exponential Moving Average) is an exponential moving average, used in technical analysis. The EMAs can be seen as resistance, support of the candle.


Fiat money, also known as fiat money, is a currency issued by the government. Fiat has no intrinsic value, Fiat's value is based on the country's ability to use and financial strength.

The most powerful fiat currency today is the USD issued by the US Federal Reserve (FED) under the guarantee of the US federal government.


Fibonacci  is an indicator in technical analysis that is derived from a mathematical theory of Leonardo Fibonacci living in the 12th century. Traders often use fibonacci to draw support-resistance lines, find entry and exit points as well as trades. take profit and stop loss positions.

FOMO - Fear of missing out

FOMO  stands for Fear of Missing Out. This is a very common psychology of investors, present in most forms of trading from stocks, Forex, to cryptocurrencies,...

Full lock duration

Including the Cliff stage (if applicable). In most cases, without Cliff, full lock duration = vesting period.

For example, a team/seed token, after TGE, usually does not start vesting immediately, but usually has a clift for a while. If clift 12 months, vesting linear 24 months ie the first 12 months there is no coin distribution, then from month 13 to month 36 receive 1/24 of the coins every month

Full node

A full node is capable of downloading a complete copy of a certain Blockchain network and checking which new transactions are based on the consensus principle - Consensus.

Flash Loan - Quick Loan

Flash Loan is an uncollateralized loan with the condition that the loan amount must be returned to the lending platform in the same transaction. Think simply, you borrow then do ABC with that loan, finally pay back the borrowed money all those activities are done in 1 transaction.

FUD - Fear, uncertainty, doubt

FUD stands for Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt, this is a state of anxiety, skepticism, uncertainty about the market of investors. This state often occurs when bad news of the market appears, which will cause investors to sell off.

FOMO and FUD are both factors that greatly influence the decision-making process of cryptocurrency traders. Because it can cause your assets to decrease after each FOMO or FUD, and make traders no longer believe in their own judgments and decisions. So how to avoid FOMO & FUD psychology? 


FDV stands for Fully Diluted Cap, the calculation is (maximum total number of tokens of the project * 1 token value at that time). Usually, CoinGecko  and CoinMarketCap  both have FDV in each token.

Gas fee - Gas fee

When a user performs any transaction on the blockchain (buying, selling, approving, ...) but needs to put the transaction into the block, it needs to pay a fee, called Gas Fee. Gas fee is calculated based on Gwei, the bigger the Gwei, the more gas fee costs, but in return the transaction will be done faster.

Formula for calculating gas charge: Gas Fee = Gas Limit * Gas ​​Price

Gas Fee will be different on each different Blockchain.

Gas was

Gas war is a term that refers to the act of many users intentionally increasing gwei, paying more to complete the transaction. This affects the blockchain network, because other users will have to pay much more expensive fees for the transaction to take place. Gas war action is usually done by bots.


Gem - or Hidden Gem, is a word used to refer to potential projects but the token/coin price is still low. These projects are usually Low Cap or Mid Cap, which is expected to be very high growth (x5, x10,... even x100).

Hackathon - Software Development Contest

Hackathons are competitions for developers, creating potential projects for a certain ecosystem. There will be prizes for the projects, which are judged by the judges. 

Some examples of hackathons are: Terra's DeFi Connected Hackathon, Solana's Solana Season Hackathon, etc.


Halving is an event that halves the block reward. About every 4 years, Bitcoin goes through this important event, called the Bitcoin Halving . 

This is a feature that simulates the gold mining process, increasing the scarcity and difficulty of mining. Not only Bitcoin, Litecoin and some other coins also have such halving events.

Hard Cap - Maximum mobilized capital

Hard Cap is the maximum amount of capital that the project wants to raise through ICO, IEO...

Hard fork

A hard fork is an update of the Blockchain system that will conflict with the old version, which results from a Blockchain system being split into two systems.

A popular hard fork of Bitcoin is Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Cash Hard Fork out of Bitcoin to raise the block's data to 8MB.

Hodl/Hold Coin

Hodl (Hold on to dear life) or Hold coin is a term in the crypto market that refers to holding cryptocurrency. Hold coin is a form of long-term investment, investors buy and store for a long time waiting for price increases. Some common examples of this word: "Hold to die", "Hodl or discharge", "Hold to die?"...

Holders are often referred to as Holders. The opposite of Holder is Trader.

HYIP - Super Profitable Investment Program

HYIP  stands for "High Yield Investment Programs", ie super profitable investment programs. However, almost 100% of investment trust projects with large profits will be scams.

So why do many investors still put money into HYIP projects? Because not everyone who invests in the HYIP model loses everything, if you know how to be selective and have a reasonable investment plan. 

ICO - Initial Coin Offering

ICO (Initial Coin Offering) means the initial issuance of coins, this is a way of raising capital in the Crypto market. Similar to IPO (Initial Public Offering) is a form of raising capital of companies through the initial issue of shares.


IDO  is an acronym for Initial Decentralized Exchange Offering. This is also a form of fundraising, but the place to raise capital is not a centralized exchange (Centralized Exchange) like Binance, but decentralized platforms like Polkastarter, Poolz, Dao Maker, ..


IEO is an acronym for Initial Exchange Offering, it is like ICO, also a form of fundraising. But IEO is crowdfunding through the offering of tokens on exchanges.

You are probably familiar with Binance Launchpad, the projects listed here are all offered for sale in the form of IEOs, some recent projects such as Injective Protocol (INJ), Sandbox (SAND),...


IFO  is an acronym for Initial Farm Offering. Similar to IDO, ICO is also a form of fundraising. But IFO will use LP token (token received when providing liquidity) as ticket to attend IFO.


IPO  (Initial Public Offering), literally means "Initial Public Offering". This term is used to refer to a company that first raised funds widely from the public through the initial issue of shares and listing on the stock exchange.

Impermanent loss (IL) - Impermanent loss

Impermanent loss is sometimes translated by some as "impermanent loss", which refers to the decrease in the value of an asset when compared to providing liquidity and buying in the wallet, doing nothing. This term became popular around August 2020, when the Yield Farming movement became hot.

KYC - Identity Verification

KYC (Know your customer) means know your customer, is a regulation that forces companies operating in the Crypto market to know about their customers. This regulation is for governments to combat money laundering and illegal activities in the virtual currency market.

KYC aims to combat money laundering and illegal activities in the virtual currency market.


Layer refers to blockchain layers. Layer 1 is blockchain, Layer 2 is the solution to the limitations of Layer 1. Layer 2 currently only appears in Ethereum because of the disadvantages of high transaction fees, easy congestion, non-scalability, etc.

Leaf node

This is also a type of node inside the Blockchain. Leaf node is a node that has no child nodes.


Launchpad is where current projects use to issue tokens and raise IDO capital, including a few names such as Polkastarter, DAO Maker, Solstarter, BSCPad, etc.

Leverage - Leverage

Leverage  is a leverage, only users borrow money from the exchange to go long/short. This will help players with less capital to make more money if the price moves in a favorable direction (Long, the price goes up, or short, the price goes down), but also makes the player lose money when the price goes in the opposite direction (Long. and the price goes down, or short and the price goes up).

Liquidity - Liquidity

Liquidity  is the liquidity on the DEX or CEX exchange. If there is a lot of liquidity, it means that the transaction will not be deviated too much, due to the high market demand. 

An example of a highly liquid asset is BTC and ETH, if buying and selling in the amount of about $10,000 will not make the market fluctuate much, but if you use $10,000 to buy newly launched tokens, it will push the price up very high because it does not. anyone sell.

Liquidity Provider - Liquidity Provider

These are the people who provide liquidity for the DEX exchange (Uniswap, Sushiswap, ...), in return they will receive a part / full transaction fee, possibly with some other benefits such as project tokens. However, if this is not calculated carefully, it will lead to Impermanent lost.

Long - Leveraged buy

Long is the act of borrowing money from the exchange under a certain leverage to buy an asset, then wait for a high price, then sell it and return the capital (with borrowing fee) to the floor. 

Example: Player with $100, using x10 leverage, means borrowing $900 floor to generate $1,000 capital. Then when the asset price goes up, close the long order, sell it and return to the floor $900 + fee, profit and capital will belong to the player. However, if the asset price plummets, it will be liquidated and lose $100 of its capital. This is a high-risk, high-return trading method.

Mainnet - Official Network

Mainnet  is the official network - the official Blockchain version after the developers (developer) tested on the testnet successfully.

When the mainnet is released, it means that the coin has an independent Blockchain network, has its own wallet platform... However, the mainnet can be changed when new updates from the project team appear.

Margin - Leveraged trading

Margin (or Margin Trading ) is a way of trading to borrow assets of the floor to raise capital, after taking profits or being liquidated, the assets will be returned to the floor. Margin includes long/short (buy, sell short).


Mint means mining, creating tokens, can be encountered in projects that require the use of collateral to borrow the desired token (mint).

Money Flow - Money Flow

Money Flow is understood as the cash flow of the market in general. When money flows into an ecosystem, it causes the tokens in the system to increase in price. Can be understood as "water on the boat up".

Multichain - Multichain

Multichain  refers to projects that are built to integrate with multiple blockchains, which makes it possible for assets on different blockchains to use the project's services without switching to a specific blockchain.

Market cap - Market capitalization

Market cap is the capitalization value, calculated by the formula Coin Price x Number of coins in circulation.


These servers perform different functions on the system. In reality, masternodes are Blockchain wallets, running online at a fixed static IP address.

Memory, Memories

Mining is the activity of mining coins and Miners are the participants in mining.

MMO - Make Money Online

MMO is an abbreviation for "Make Money Online", also known as making money online. This is a job where you use a computer or phone (mostly computers) with an Internet connection to do jobs with the ultimate purpose of making money.


NFT  stands for Non-fungible token, which means that the token is non-fungible. For example, a $5 bill of yours A would be exchangeable for your $5 bill B because of the same value (that's an example of a replaceable token). But a house of friend A cannot be exchanged for house of friend B because of completely different properties (that is, an example of a non-fungible token). 

NFT is often used for art, games are mainly with different formats such as ERC721, ERC1155,…


Non-custodial usually refers to DEX exchanges and wallets that do not store user funds. That is, the manufacturer only has to create the product, the user will keep his property. Unlike DEX, which is CEX, users have to create an account and deposit money on the exchange, which means that the exchange will keep this amount. 

Another thing that distinguishes Non-custodial and Custodial is whether the user holds the passphrase, the private key of the wallet or not. If yes, then it is Non-custodial.


OTC  (Over the counter) is a term used to refer to a decentralized market. That is, buying and selling outside of traditional exchanges. The OTC can be an individual broker, or a proxy OTC trading company.

Example: Like Huobi's C2C platform, Binance OTC... a personal OTC broker that can offer you the service of buying and selling BTC, USDT or securities - directly with VND through Banking.


Oracle is an important piece in DeFi, projects working on Oracle will help other projects in crypto be able to update data in real life. Examples of projects working in this area are Chainlink, Band Protocol, DIA, etc.


It can be imagined that this is an order book, the user wants to buy and sell anything, then create an order, the order will be listed, and wait for other users to buy/sell. An example for an exchange using Order-book is CEX such as Binance, Okex, Huobi, Kucoin, etc.

Parent node

The node contains the extension nodes (child nodes).

Pump & Dump 

Pump and Dump are understood as a form of market manipulation. 

Pump: “Make prices”, “pump prices” the market up.

Dump: Lower the market price to a catastrophic level by releasing large quantities of goods on the floor.

Pump & Dump is very popular in markets like stock, forex, Crypto even gold.

Pump (pump price up) and Dump (push price down) are actually illegal behavior. However, the crypto market does not have enough legal framework, so this situation still happens often.


Commonly found in DEX and Lending projects. Pool refers to a "lake", where users put assets in and wait for others to buy, sell and borrow according to their needs. In return, the person who puts assets into the pool is called a Liquidity Provider, and receives a transaction fee.

PoA - Proof of Authorization

PoA  stands for Proof of Authority. It is a reputation-based consensus algorithm that offers a practical and efficient solution for blockchain networks.

PoB - Proof of Burn

PoB stands for Proof of Burn. This is an alternative consensus algorithm that tries to solve the power consumption problem of POW. Instead of using miners, miners need to burn or destroy tokens, allowing them to write blocks proportional to the burned coins.

PoD - Proof of Developer

PoD stands for Proof of Developer. This is a mechanism developed back in 2014. As a means for crypto projects and ICOs to verify that they are actively managed by the developer(s). PoD in Crypto is often confused with Proof of Delivery in finance.

PoS - Proof of Stake

PoS stands for Proof of Stake , i.e. proof of stake. This is a form of mining based on the number of coins held. Holders of 5% coins can mine 5% of coins.

PoW - Proof of Action

PoW stands for Proof of Work , ie proof of work. This is a form of mining based on the power of the computer. The machine with more powerful capacity will dig more.


Ponzi  is a pyramid scheme. Ponzi works by paying high interest to the participants who invest. In essence, taking money from the latter to pay the former. When it is not possible to pay interest to investors, the Ponzi project will scam not for investors to withdraw capital.

Examples of Ponzi projects: Bitconnect, Ifan, Pincoin...

QR code

QR Code stands for Quick response code. This is a form of fast response barcode. It has a square shape commonly used to encode web page links.

Replay Attack

A replay attack is a type of attack targeting a certain network in which  data is blocked  or transmitted slowly due to the impact of malicious applications. This leads to the  continuous repetition of information  many times throughout the system.

Root node

The highest node in the Blockchain network.

Rekt - Toang

Rekt is a concept to refer to failure or to show someone's defeat or defeat. In coin trading, people use the word Rekt to refer to a heavy loss, just like the word "tang".

ROI - Rate of Return

ROI stands for Return On Investment, which is an indicator of the rate of return. Simply put, “profit” - profit (in %) on the total amount invested.


SHA stands for Secure Hash Algorithm, which includes 5 algorithms accepted by FIPS - Federal Information Processing Standard, for data transfer. It can be understood that a form of encoding from A encodes to B , but the reverse translation of B into A is not possible.

Which includes:

SHA-1 (returns 160-bit long result).

SHA-224 (returns result 224 bits long).

SHA-256 (returns a 256-bit long result).

SHA-384 (returns a 384-bit long result).

SHA-512 (returns result 512 bits long).

Sibling node

The node connects to the same big node - parent node.


Satoshi Nakamoto is said to have created Bitcoin. Satoshi or sat is also Bitcoin's smallest currency: 1 BTC = 100,000,000 sat.

Shill - Blow up the news

The shill is the former currency of Great Britain and Austria. However, in Crypto this term refers to the act of inflating news about the project in order to increase the value of a certain coin.

Smart contract - Smart contract

Smart Contract is a term that describes the ability of a computer system to make terms and enforce agreements on its own using Blockchain technology.

The whole process of Smart Contract is done automatically and without outside intervention.

Soft fork

Soft forks are software changes that are compatible with the old interface. Usually does not require users to upgrade to the latest version of the current interface.

However, upgrading will help your software overcome the limitations of the old version and increase compatibility with new applications.


Stablecoins  are coins that are pegged to a fixed asset to stabilize the cryptocurrency market.

Stablecoins must be backed by the assets it “anchored” such as gold (Digix Gold Tokens - DGX), some fiat currency (Tether - USDT), or other cryptocurrencies (MarketDAO - DAI). .

Short - Leveraged Sell

In contrast to Long, Short only acts to borrow assets of the exchange according to a certain leverage and sell immediately, then wait for the price to be low, then buy back and pay the floor (with borrowing fee). 

Example: Player with $100, using x10 leverage, means borrowing the floor an amount of assets equivalent to $900, then selling off $1,000. When the asset price falls, close the short order, buy it back and return the above asset + fee to the floor, the profit and capital will belong to the player. However, if the asset price rises sharply, it will be liquidated and lose $100 of its capital. This is a high-risk, high-return trading method.

Testnet - Test Network

Testnet is a test network - a version of Blockchain for developers (developers) to test new features without affecting the current protocol.

Usually, any coin has its testnet for testing new features.

Trader - Trader

Traders are traders in general. But sometimes, traders are usually short-term investors, who can buy and sell over a period of days, weeks or months, or use margin as a trading tool. 

The opposite of Trader is Holder.

TVL - Total value locked

This term appeared when the DeFi trend formed, Total Value Locked (TVL) refers to the total value of assets deposited by users into DeFi projects, which mostly belong to DEX and Lending through providing liquidity. You can check the current TVL at defillama.com or defipulse.com.


This word is often found in the token release schedule section of projects. Vesting is understood as a period of time when the token is paid in installments, the people in this category will receive the token gradually, until the final point is to receive the entire token. Usually applies to tokens held by teams, advisors or investors.

For example: Team Allocation: Cliff 12 months, vesting 12 months, meaning that the first 12 months there is no token for the team, from month 13 to 24 will gradually pay the token.

Vesting period

Token phase is distributed according to vesting schedule. 

For example, linear vesting by month for 12 months ie get 1/12 of the total tokens each month

Volatility - Market Volatility

Volatility is the volatility of the market. This is an index that measures the price volatility of a traded financial asset such as stocks, cryptocurrencies, gold, etc.

The higher the volatility index, the more susceptible the asset's value is to sudden changes (increase/decrease) in a short period of time.

Cold Wallet

A cold wallet is a wallet that manages an offline secret key that has been completely disconnected from the Internet. Hence no external environment involved and no risk of hacking except for some chance of connecting to the Internet when sending and receiving funds.

Volume - Trading volume

Volume  (or trading volume) is a metric that measures the volume of money traded in a certain time frame . Trading volume is calculated as the total amount of coins/tokens bought and sold in a given time period.

Whitelist - Whitelist

Whitelist can be said to be an indispensable term if you invest in an ICO. In a word, Whitelist is a white list. It means that you can participate to buy tokens in the fundraising of that project.

And usually you need to complete KYC to be on this list.

Yield Farming 

Yield Farming is a small branch in DeFi, a form of brotherhood that makes profit by borrowing or lending its assets on DeFi protocols.


YTD (Year to date) is an index that refers to a period starting from the first day of the current year or fiscal year to the current date.

Permissionless blockchain

Permissionless blockchain is a public blockchain where anyone can participate in the consensus process, validating transactions and data added to the blockchain. Everyone is completely dispersed and doesn't need to trust each other to function.

Crypto asset management

Crypto asset management is the activity of buying, selling and managing digital assets for investment and overall growth in value. Asset management is not a new method, but managing a crypto asset portfolio or part of a portfolio has become a necessity as cryptocurrencies are generally more volatile than other assets. other finance.


The above are common Blockchain terms commonly encountered in Crypto , you can comment below if you find any terms missing, I will add them right away!